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Dementia Strikes Children Too campaign

Never heard of childhood dementia? No...You're not alone.

The Wrinkly Roadshow are supports everyone living with physical and invisible disabilities we also want to show that conditions that have been associated with the older generates actually effects us all.

Childhood dementia exists, but people often haven't heard of the disease, which is normally associated with adults. The Dementia Strikes Children Too campaign aims to raise awareness of childhood dementia, drive for better clinical education of this group of diseases and put in place systems and tools for earlier diagnosis.

To create real change, the Dementia Strikes Children Too campaign is attempting to reach as many people as possible in the UK. We need your help!

You can do this by tweeting your own MP about childhood dementia, and calling for them to support the campaign by visiting this website, learning more and getting involved in campaign activity.

Together, families and patients have co-developed this campaign, alongside Niemann-Pick UK (NPUK), the Batten’s Disease Family Association (BDFA) and the Society for Mucopolysaccharide Diseases (MPS Society), with the support of biopharmaceutical company BioMarin, in order to reflect the needs of real children living with this group of diseases

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