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Our News!

Who cares for the carers?

Carers First do!

In National Carers Week Carers First will be holding a carers' information day on Tuesday 13th June 2017, 10:30 to 3:00 at The Riverside, The Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge TN9 1SF.

The team at Carers First provide carers with great opportunities to find out more about how to ease and better inform their caring role. This year they will be holding another fantastic event at The Angel Centre packed with ideas, information and opportunities for carers to meet and chat with professionals from many different organisations and their lovely team of Carer Support and Assessment Co-ordinators.

A similar event in 2015 was a great success, attracting lots of Carers and they would like to invite you to join them on 13 June 2017.

Being a carer does not just mean you are paid to care as a professional. Anyone looking after a child, an elderly relative or a vulnerable person is a carer. Most of us out there do not consider ourselves to be carers but most of us are in some way shape or form. You won't know help is out there unless you ask!!

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